Wednesday, January 5, 2011

wicked wednesday

Let me just start by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH to all my friends and family who have ALREADY been so supportive of this blog. Means the world to me that everyone has been so encouraging by following it so much already and giving me some good ideas! Now anyway...

New Yorkers have such a great sense of style.  I thought I'd at least be able to hold a candle to their style, but no, no way. The way NYC people dress is way freakin cooler than how I dress. Just by walking the streets and riding the subway, I get so much inspiration from people.  I love love love it. So what I've started to do is try to take pictures of different things that girls/guys wear that I really like. I've got a list of things going in my head that I'd like to add to my closet... 

First, leather. Jacket, boots, whatever. I don't care. I dig it. Second, hats. Lots of hats. I love hats. 

I'm going to go off on a side note and complain real quick...while looking for some of these amazing items online, I decided to check out shopbot and the opening page really irked me.
Love shopbop.  But, Good Lord, why is that girl on the homepage so dadgum skinny. I mean more power to ya if you can be tone and fit and look smokin hot. But I had no idea that the liquid-diet-thin look was back in. Or, what is it you say... heroin-chic? No ma'am, no thank you. She looks like she hasn't eaten 1996. That's not hot to me. I love my calories and my carbs all day long, thanks.

Getting back on topic, I guess I could list of the million different things that I love about the NY style, but how about I just start posting pictures when I see something cute. Yeah, I'll just do that. More cowboy boots, I want more cowboy boots.

The last thing I've got to touch on is an update on my apartment hunting.  I had an appointment to go see the most perfect apartment in the East Village today.  Check it out:
Yeah, it is small, but it is located in East Village at one of the BEST areas for me and Roomie Ashley for getting to work & school. I mean prime location.  And it is huge that is has a living room, kitchen, island, and 2 true bedrooms. I was ready to close on this apartment; Ashley and I had our hearts set on it.  Well, the guy bailed on me and said he already had other applicants for the apartment. I was sad, but not beaten... I'll keep on keepin on because another one out there for us. I do have my heart set on East Village though after today. But I know the perfect one will find us :)

Now I'm going to watch Boondock Saints 2. Yeah I's not half as good as the first. But I just can't get enough of those MacManus brothers.  And I love the name Connor.  What a baller. 

Auf wiedersehen.


thecoxfamily said...

Hump day is over. Good on all fronts. Great is His faithfulness! Love my boo!
One other thing, you have never lacked in the style department :)

Unknown said...

my influence on you is profound ... you love calories!

miss seeing you daily ...