Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It wasn't just the ny sky that was grey today

I apologize for such an emo title! But my sky was all shades of grey today, with a slushy, cold rain to add onto it. Just one of those days.

But I will begin with good news: we finally have the keys to our new apartment as well as beds/mattresses. And I will say that I thought I loved our view during the day, but it looks twice as wonderful at night! Why am I not posting pictures of the new place you ask? Because, big surprise, I'm not sleeping there tonight, again! Not because of paperwork; that is all cleared up. Ashley C. confirmed tonight that she does in fact have the flu. So I'm staying at Ashley D.'s tonight again because 1) it's just too hard to leave her...and 2) because fever and ralphing (sorry, had to say it) is really not a good pairing on me.

All drama aside, it was a successful day, though immensely frustrating as it was. At one point during the day, I had to take a long breather (not to mention, shed a couple tears) in the bathroom then recoop and head back to work. Cold calling is very difficult for me right now. It is a natural response to take rejection personally when cold calling, and I am just praying hard that feeling wears off soon. Because it really does shake you up a bit when someone gets upset at you then hangs up on you. On days like this, it is always a blessing to have your mom sending you encouraging texts throughout the day reminding me how much I am loved and how blessed I am. Because I forget that way too often. Especially when people are so mean to you on the phone all day. Trying my best to stay positive, though! Because as my brother likes to remind me, I'll be good at sales because I never accept no for an answer (i.e. - finding a job and moving to NYC by myself). Just ready to be good at my job, RIGHT NOW! Patience, my child...

Dream sweet...

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