Friday, January 7, 2011

week one, ova & done

Yes, I've officially made it to Friday.  It's been quite a week to say the least.  Work is going swimmingly.  Like I had guessed, I love the people I work with and cannot wait to get to know them better over the next few months.

Me, Ashley, her brother, and his GF are jamming to some Bieb's right now.  Should this start getting embarrassing soon? Feel like I should already be feeling a bit ashamed...nah I can't deny I love the occasional Justin Bieber session.

Today was my first official blizzard storm in NYC:
view out of office during blizzard....

view from office on a ordinary day... I cannot complain!

Pretty standard, eh.

Couple others:
more blizzy. snowflakes the size of cupcakes. not as delicious, I made sure of it

trash. on the street. we are not in c'ville tn anymore...

I'll wrap up by telling a quick story.  I've been thinking about writing about how my uncles were messing me about how all the people in NYC are mean, and that I think it's completely false because everyone has been so kind so far. Then, yesterday morning it hit me that I'm not in the south anymore.... While I was on the subway on the way to work, I was in a bit of a rush so I just grabbed a bagel on the way out to work. I was munching on my delicious raison brain bagel with my headphone, and the man next to me kept making a funny eye at me, giving me the stink eye, then made a (assuming) rude comment.  Though I didn't hear what he was saying, he kept acting like I was doing something to offend him. I was listening to some good ol' Cold War Kids so I didn't pay attention at first.  I then realized that this guy was getting upset that I eating my bagel. Like it was incredibly rude that I was eating my breakfast on the subway, in public.  I was keeping to myself and he was offended that I was snacking on my bagel in his presence, acting like I was throwing my crumbs all over him or somethin'! Crrrazy folk.

Anyway, I tell that story to tell you that some people can be real jerks.  But that was definitely the exception, not the rule. For the most part, everyone here has been congenial in standard terms. Though I do sound like a foreigner when I say "excuse me" while scooting past someone on the subway.

Cheers, peace, love.

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