Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mom's here!

Mom was still in Baltimore helping with Morgan, so she decided to take a little trip up here to hang out with me till Monday morning when she has to fly back to Memphis from Baltimore.

Today was a rather lazy day.  To my defense, though I did spend the entire day in bed watching various shows on my laptop, there really is no other place to sit in my apartment right now. So Lulah (Ashley's pup) and I cuddled all day and munched on my delivery order from the Kips Bay Grocery. Yes, I do mean that we both munched on it, because while my mom and I went to dinner, Lulah decided to get a little bite for herself out of trash. I'm almost positive that it's not best for her to eat french fries, but just a few won't hurt I guess. She helps fill the void in my heart from missing Owen so much.

Mom got in at around 9 tonight, so I made a late reservation for us at Rosa Mexicano's on the East Side. She had the shakes from hunger, so we dove right into some guacamole dip. If you have ever heard of Rosa's, you of course have heard about the guac dip, which is made in front of you at your table. I mean this stuff is unreal. I paid close attention to how they were making it so that I could possibly take a stab at making some. When my family (brothers, parents, cousins) were in NYC a few years ago, we went to the other Rosa's here, and it has stuck with me ever since. I was very pleased with my Dad's suggestion to take my mom there. I think she enjoyed it as well:


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