Wednesday, March 23, 2011

another hump day dinner and modern family

Ali and I met for our usual Hump Day dinner, and finally got a few others to join in: colleague of ali's and 2 colleagues of mine. Always look forward to catching up with friend mid-week.

Did anyone else catch Modern Family? I am always in high hopes that Luke is going to develop into a significant character on the show, seeing that his personality is absolutely hilarious.

Work is has been going much better this week, as I've set a few meeting to hopefully bring on some large projects for us. Though I want to be so excited for the progress I am making at TransPerfect, I still have to continually remind myself that despite my good days, despite my bad days: I have to keep working hard to be successful in whatever field I choose. And even if I end up being really great at something, I want to love what I am doing. I want to be happy with my job, which I realize is not often possible. So if you are reading this, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I am honestly being very impatient with God because I want to know the answers immediately - I want to know what I need to do right now as far as my future foes! But as you know it does not work like that. It's going to take a lot more time and experience to figure out what it is that I love doing.

Rambling, my apologies. AM: see you in 7.5

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

Janie bo said...

Genna Boo...I pray for you daily...I've been impatient lately too!
Love you!!!!