My dad got a message from my mom for the first time since she left. Made me so happy to know she's ok. I miss her a lot. Didn't even realize how much I rely on her during the day till I cant call her all the time. Been sending her texts during the day, so have my brothers and dad. I know dad misses her a bunch too.
So proud of her!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Megabusing it back from BMore
Notice the location. Apparently I'm passing through Wilmington?
Headed back to NYC from Baltimore. Best weekend with my big brother ever. Looking forward to spending football weekends in BMore next fall for the games. And can't wait for my (soon to be) sister in law, Lauren, to come stay with me on away game weekends! Our new discovery is the megabus...cheapest best way to travel. Got this ticket yesterday from megabus : $23... But you can get them for literally as cheap as $1. You get free wifi and plug ins. Reclining chairs... Best deal for what you're paying for. Especially when you compare to the train or flying option.
Going to see Drew Holcolmb & the neighbors play at a place right by my apt. Get to see Sam and a few other Memphis folks, I'm excited!
Made Morgan take a picture of me inside his locker! Bahaha.

Headed back to NYC from Baltimore. Best weekend with my big brother ever. Looking forward to spending football weekends in BMore next fall for the games. And can't wait for my (soon to be) sister in law, Lauren, to come stay with me on away game weekends! Our new discovery is the megabus...cheapest best way to travel. Got this ticket yesterday from megabus : $23... But you can get them for literally as cheap as $1. You get free wifi and plug ins. Reclining chairs... Best deal for what you're paying for. Especially when you compare to the train or flying option.
Going to see Drew Holcolmb & the neighbors play at a place right by my apt. Get to see Sam and a few other Memphis folks, I'm excited!
Made Morgan take a picture of me inside his locker! Bahaha.
Location:Dombey Rd,Wilmington,United States
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Baltimore Saturday
A big day today. Just the medicine I've been needing, to spend the weekend with my bro. Getting out of the city for a couple days was a breath of fresh air. Spent the day laughing, smiling, goofing off, and catching up. I've missed him so much! Can't wait to see my entire family in a couple weeks... Life is good!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, February 25, 2011
My first slip up
I think with the distraction of my mom leaving for Africa left me scattered brained last night and I neglected my responsibility to this blog.
But alas, I awoke at 6 am realizing what I had done. Hence why I'm taking a few minutes off work to update, and yes I'll be updating twice today.
Munching on an everything bagel, the greatest invention since sliced bread and the highlight of my morning, besides getting an email update on my mom from Lisa Amann.
Getting out of the city for the first time since I moved here tonight! Going to stay with Morgan this weekend!! So pumped!!
Ok time to get to work... Update later.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
But alas, I awoke at 6 am realizing what I had done. Hence why I'm taking a few minutes off work to update, and yes I'll be updating twice today.
Munching on an everything bagel, the greatest invention since sliced bread and the highlight of my morning, besides getting an email update on my mom from Lisa Amann.
Getting out of the city for the first time since I moved here tonight! Going to stay with Morgan this weekend!! So pumped!!
Ok time to get to work... Update later.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
She's Leavin on a jet plane....
Please send up your prayers and thoughts for my mom and the 11 ladies going on the Kenya Mission trip with Hope these next two weeks. They are leaving tomorrow for their adventure, and I know God has huge things in store for them. Love you all so much!!
1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Happy Birthday, Ash!!
Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest, most lovable, and amazing girls I know- Ashley Davis!
You have been what has kept me sane here in NYC since I've moved here, and I'm so thankful for how much our friendship has grown.
Ashley, a few of her friends, and I are at Asia de Cuba right now for a wonderful birthday celebration, and they just brought her this lovely coconut birthday cake:

It's restaurant week here in NYC so they have a set menu which we ate off of. Go check it out online. The pork and the salmon entrees were unreasonably delicious.
Love you Ms. Davis! You are beautiful & fabulous!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
You have been what has kept me sane here in NYC since I've moved here, and I'm so thankful for how much our friendship has grown.
Ashley, a few of her friends, and I are at Asia de Cuba right now for a wonderful birthday celebration, and they just brought her this lovely coconut birthday cake:
It's restaurant week here in NYC so they have a set menu which we ate off of. Go check it out online. The pork and the salmon entrees were unreasonably delicious.
Love you Ms. Davis! You are beautiful & fabulous!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:E 38th St,New York,United States
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Congratulations in order for the [future] Mrs. Caroline Pattat
And so! Caroline made it official tonight! Yes, he put a ring on it! Caroline has been my best friend since sixth grade, and her boyfriend of.... four years? if I have the timing right..... popped the question to her tonight. So happy for you and Tyler, CB, and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness, love, and laughs. I love you dearly, and am so excited to help start planning this shindig! Basically the day we've been talking about for each other for the last 11 years. 11 years?? Crazy, right? I began thinking tonight of the picture slideshow that will be put together for the big day, and had to laugh at the thought of some of the dreadfully painful middle school pictures. You have grown into a beautiful, intelligent, strong, Godly woman, and you are going to make an absolutely wonderful wife and mother. Tyler is a very fortunate soul! I am praying for you two in the coming months (and years), and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you!!
I love you, Care Bear!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Hoboken with C
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Kathy Flake
Told me that I need to start posting my blog before her bedtime. Here is me trying to post as Early as possible.
So I'm here in the office, and looking at a pretty decent view of NYC:

Such a beauty at night!
By the way, I still would love some feedback on fun things you know of to do in this ole town. Thank ya kindly.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
So I'm here in the office, and looking at a pretty decent view of NYC:
Such a beauty at night!
By the way, I still would love some feedback on fun things you know of to do in this ole town. Thank ya kindly.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A day of surprises!!
Had a great day at work today. I'm getting in my rhythm with my responsibilities soooo yeah that's going great.
Best part of my day though was getting home and picking up a package from all my Hope Kitchen BFF's. As you may know, I am an expert gift-unwrapper. Ask anyone in my family, they can tell you some of the infamous stories. Well this joker was so well wrapped that it took me about 3 full minutes to tear into. Tape and cardboard box ripping, styrofoam little white stuffing things that get everywhere, and BUBBLE WRAP (SWEET!!!).....Then finally got to my PRESSSENNTTTTT:
Best part of my day though was getting home and picking up a package from all my Hope Kitchen BFF's. As you may know, I am an expert gift-unwrapper. Ask anyone in my family, they can tell you some of the infamous stories. Well this joker was so well wrapped that it took me about 3 full minutes to tear into. Tape and cardboard box ripping, styrofoam little white stuffing things that get everywhere, and BUBBLE WRAP (SWEET!!!).....Then finally got to my PRESSSENNTTTTT:
You are some of the most wonderful people I know, and definitely some of the greatest friends I could ever ask for.
The cross is now leaning up against my window until I find the perfect place for it! Thank you to Lawana, Kathy, Jen, Shelley, Lisa, Doris, and every one else. I love you all times a million. The Crate & Barrel Gift card will be going towards replacing the suitcases that hold all my shirts, scarfs, sleepy pants, hats, socks, etc. with actual dressers. YES!!
OH and YEAH. And I got a wonderful taste of home (Memphis) tonight when I got to see my friend, Claire, who was so awesome to bring a bag of clothes for me up here from my parents so I don't have to live off my two week bag anymore. She's a trooper. It was nice to just to see someone you love from home. Thanks Bear. I think I've reworn outfits about 5 times over by now, no joke, so having a few more things to live off of makes a huge difference. I hung up all my (what feel like new, but actually old) clothes and have been gazing in wonderment at my closet which is actually beginning to fill up now! (and rather quickly). My parents also sent up the two pictures that I always keep by my bed at home in Memphis. One- of Owen driving Caroline's (CB's :)) car (see picture 38 of my profile picture on the FB). And two - a picture of Wright and me at the Kentucky game that he gave me for Christmas one year where he wrote on it: "ALWAYS MY BEST FRIEND."
Ah I miss home... But it's a smile and miss, not a frown and miss :) make sense?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Will you...
After contemplating what to discuss tonight, I'd like to ask you all to help me out. Being new to this city has been amazing, so many new things to explore. But when I get home at 7 pm at night, I'm usually too exhausted from a day at work that I don't feel like going out to explore when I don't really have a set plan in place.
So that's where you come in.
I challenge you all to challenge me... Though I know I will not be able to go out and do fun things every single day, I would love to hear from you all what you think/what you've heard/what you know are fun things to do around here. Throw anything out there. I'd like to start challenging myself to make the most of living here, and your thoughts and advice would be fun to hear and, hopefully, do.
Thanks you all!
Also, I got a new phone at AT&T today. Let's hear it for Round 17 on my new iPhone. Woop!
So that's where you come in.
I challenge you all to challenge me... Though I know I will not be able to go out and do fun things every single day, I would love to hear from you all what you think/what you've heard/what you know are fun things to do around here. Throw anything out there. I'd like to start challenging myself to make the most of living here, and your thoughts and advice would be fun to hear and, hopefully, do.
Thanks you all!
Also, I got a new phone at AT&T today. Let's hear it for Round 17 on my new iPhone. Woop!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Yes, it is finally the moment everyone has been waiting for!!
For months now it's been in anticipation...
But tonight
It's was finally decided:
I am never destined to have a working phone.
Ever. Not ever.
Sorry for the Ryan Seacrest meets the Bachelor build up. I've been watching too much E! tonight.
Got off a little later than usual from work. Headed home to change to go to Ashley's (since Claire bailed on me as my VALENTINE'S date till tomorrow night). Turned on my iPod to listen to some Ben Folds then was surprising to hear it playing in a deep creepy, slow motion voice. Then I turned on another song. Same thing. Then another. Same thing. Then decided I'd switch it off then back on. Wrong again, Genna. Wrong again. It refuses to turn back on. Yes, I've tried restarting it. Yes, I've tried plugging it into my computer. Pulled out all the stops, and nothing is working. It's just the Lord telling me, Genna, you think you can handle technology, but technology cannot handle you.
Well, enough about the phone. My day was pretty rad, yes rad, besides that. I had a spectacular night with two wonderful ladies, the E!!!!!!! Network, and way too much sushi for our own good. Ashley and I were joking about our sushi baby/belly at the end of the night. I mean, great sushi, wonderful friends, and mindless entertainment from Carrie Bradshaw, the Kardashian sisters, and Joan Collins. What could make my V-Tines any better... Chocolate. That's what... And that's why I had some for breakfast. A Dove Dark Chocolate Heart.
So I rest easy tonight, my friends. Except for this stupid phone. But I've gotten used to never relying on technology because like I said: it despises me.
And I wish each of you a wonderful (remaining) Valentine's Day!!
& won't you be Mine??
I love this holiday.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Spending the night at Ashleys in Upper East and watching the Grammys.
I'm trying to stay awake and alert to watch Drake, and Arcade Fire. Is it just me or does John Mayer look extra creepy in that 'stache? Love you JM, but lose the pedophile Face. Speaking of creepy, Ashley and I have been discussing the awkward relationship of usher and the Biebs. We just think it's a little weird. Just sayin.
Gaga really outdid herself again. An egg. Really? An egg. This is just getting absurd. I mean...She's my brothers age. That's crazy to me. Madness, I tell you. And I can't get enough of her, she's fascinating.
Well...goodnight then. Miss you all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I'm trying to stay awake and alert to watch Drake, and Arcade Fire. Is it just me or does John Mayer look extra creepy in that 'stache? Love you JM, but lose the pedophile Face. Speaking of creepy, Ashley and I have been discussing the awkward relationship of usher and the Biebs. We just think it's a little weird. Just sayin.
Gaga really outdid herself again. An egg. Really? An egg. This is just getting absurd. I mean...She's my brothers age. That's crazy to me. Madness, I tell you. And I can't get enough of her, she's fascinating.
Well...goodnight then. Miss you all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Grammy Night
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Lazy Saturday
I'm making it a tradition to have my Saturdays be as relaxed a possible. Being that it my only day to sleep in and do nothing I do just that. So not much to report on today. I got sushi from down the street, which was pretty delightful. And I got chicken soup for tomorrow. And I splurged and got a regular coke. I haven't had a regular coke in forever. I think the last one I had was when I was at home, in Memphis, and my dad got us a case of glass bottled cokes.
Also, I am utilizing my Netflix finally and watching a movie tonight. Church in the AM as well. I will probably go to Redeemer again, though I wish I knew some of the people there, but I am going to try to find somewhere to plug in!
Sorry it's so short tonight! Think I'm going to watch my British film and get some rest.
sleep well, world
Friday, February 11, 2011
I want to love you! Pretty Young Thang!
Say nah nah nah!
Get it Michael. Get it. I'm loving this song right now. Thanks to this week's episode of Glee.
Morgan is helping me jailbreak my iphone so I can get some amazingly awesome app that is the ultimate texting app. I'm getting excited. I'm going to have even less of a life once I get as obsessed with it as he is.
Got a Valentines package from Mom & Dad today. The best part of the day. They sent up a little plate that I have beside my bed that says "You are Loved" A nice little reminder to wake up to every morning! I got some knee high socks too. No chocolate for me though...
Morgan's at home in Memphis now. They got me on gmail video chat and I sat at the dinner table with Mom, Dad, Morgan, Lauren, Lee Lee, and Owen man. Made me happy to be able to feel like I was home. I said the prayer before din too. Just wish I could've been eating Mom's chicken, rice, and broccoli, though the potstickers from Trader joes I ate tonight were pretty delicious.
Wright made my day today too when he sent me the link to the Skinner Boys' Myspace and told me the song Katherine's song is his song for me. He is the sweetest brother in the world:
Also got a WONDERFUL surprise in the mail today from my lovely friend, Emma, who wrote me such an encouraging letter with the following verse:
Say nah nah nah!
Get it Michael. Get it. I'm loving this song right now. Thanks to this week's episode of Glee.
Morgan is helping me jailbreak my iphone so I can get some amazingly awesome app that is the ultimate texting app. I'm getting excited. I'm going to have even less of a life once I get as obsessed with it as he is.
Got a Valentines package from Mom & Dad today. The best part of the day. They sent up a little plate that I have beside my bed that says "You are Loved" A nice little reminder to wake up to every morning! I got some knee high socks too. No chocolate for me though...
Morgan's at home in Memphis now. They got me on gmail video chat and I sat at the dinner table with Mom, Dad, Morgan, Lauren, Lee Lee, and Owen man. Made me happy to be able to feel like I was home. I said the prayer before din too. Just wish I could've been eating Mom's chicken, rice, and broccoli, though the potstickers from Trader joes I ate tonight were pretty delicious.
Wright made my day today too when he sent me the link to the Skinner Boys' Myspace and told me the song Katherine's song is his song for me. He is the sweetest brother in the world:
"Promise me, you'll do this little thing... Please don't ever change!"
Also got a WONDERFUL surprise in the mail today from my lovely friend, Emma, who wrote me such an encouraging letter with the following verse:
"You make known to me the path of life."
The verse is sitting next to my bed now as a reminder that Christ has ahold of my life, and there is a definite peace that accompanies that!
Ciao and goodnight!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Starting new traditions & another Glee Night
So I am not sure when exactly you can call something a "tradition," but Ali and I met again after work for dinner for the second time. Tonight we tried this place around 32 & Broadway. Doubt we will try back there, but it was fun to try out a new place, as I hope we'll continue doing every week. Her friend Jessica joined along as well. We will hopefully all hang out this weekend and continue the fun and fellowship.
Got to watch last night's Glee tonight on Hulu. It was the Valentine's episode, which you may have already seen? Probably not. Either way, it was one of my favorite episodes ever. Mostly because of the song selection. The Gap store scene song I love, I'm trying to download it as we speak. They also chose Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls" for one of the songs. Which only bring wonderful memories to mind. One particular, and my favorite coming to mind: riding home from the Train concert at the Botanical Gardens with one of my best friends, Amanda, and my Dad. Literally blasting that song on FULL blast and singing it at the top of our lungs... I think that might just be in my top 5 favorite memories of all time actually. One of those memories you just smile and laugh at because it brings back such beautiful and fond feelings. AHHH that was so much fun. Have you ever had experiences like that?! Love it. Well, anyway, I better get back to getting ready for sleep time. Gotta make that paper (BILLS) tomorrow!
One more thing.. I want to sincerely thank y'all for reading and starting to comment more. I'm genuinely flattered that y'all read and, I hope, enjoy what I write. It's fun for me to get to come home and read your responses and to get to write more every day. You're just great.
night night
Got to watch last night's Glee tonight on Hulu. It was the Valentine's episode, which you may have already seen? Probably not. Either way, it was one of my favorite episodes ever. Mostly because of the song selection. The Gap store scene song I love, I'm trying to download it as we speak. They also chose Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls" for one of the songs. Which only bring wonderful memories to mind. One particular, and my favorite coming to mind: riding home from the Train concert at the Botanical Gardens with one of my best friends, Amanda, and my Dad. Literally blasting that song on FULL blast and singing it at the top of our lungs... I think that might just be in my top 5 favorite memories of all time actually. One of those memories you just smile and laugh at because it brings back such beautiful and fond feelings. AHHH that was so much fun. Have you ever had experiences like that?! Love it. Well, anyway, I better get back to getting ready for sleep time. Gotta make that paper (BILLS) tomorrow!
One more thing.. I want to sincerely thank y'all for reading and starting to comment more. I'm genuinely flattered that y'all read and, I hope, enjoy what I write. It's fun for me to get to come home and read your responses and to get to write more every day. You're just great.
night night
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Radio City & a Nice Productive Day
What is funny about moving & working in NYC is being constantly pleasantly surprised. I won't really get into the boring details, but I had a great productive day today. Business is good, and getting better.
I went to a meeting in the 50's this morning, like any other normal day. Stepped out of the cab, and was directly in front of Radio City Music Hall. The tourist feeling won't fade for awhile I am guaranteeing. I snapped a picture of Radio City, no longer feeling any shame in looking like a tourist... because you know what?! I still am! I still get so excited about the sites I see.
Waking up early in the AM to get back to the office, so I'll bid you adieu. Thank you for the comments on the recent posts, by the way. It really does make it more fun and interesting to hear your feedback! Please keep it coming, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, I'm all for 'em. Wright: "How do you feel about frilly toothpicks? I'm for em!"
I went to a meeting in the 50's this morning, like any other normal day. Stepped out of the cab, and was directly in front of Radio City Music Hall. The tourist feeling won't fade for awhile I am guaranteeing. I snapped a picture of Radio City, no longer feeling any shame in looking like a tourist... because you know what?! I still am! I still get so excited about the sites I see.
Waking up early in the AM to get back to the office, so I'll bid you adieu. Thank you for the comments on the recent posts, by the way. It really does make it more fun and interesting to hear your feedback! Please keep it coming, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, I'm all for 'em. Wright: "How do you feel about frilly toothpicks? I'm for em!"
Monday, February 7, 2011
Glee & Skype Night
Very excited to get home from work tonight to watch last night's Glee. Yes, I'm a gleek. I love it. Also got to catch up with Tammy tonight on Skype; I miss her very much. And I got to see her son and give him some kisses through the computer too so that made my night a little brighter :) He said, "I love you, Genna!" Love that little boy!!
Had a long encouraging talk with my Dad tonight that made me feel much better about where I am right now with the transition. Dad basically did the same thing as I have done when he went to college in Fort Worth at TCU, but literally did not know a single soul. I'm at a little bit of an advantage because I know a few people up here, but it is tough leaving every genuine relationship you've known to form new ones up here. I've only been here a month though, so I have to be conscious about keeping my patience. Great things are coming; I'm already in the greatest city in the world. What couldn't be great about being here? I'll stop being so emo. I do write in a Live Journal, though, and I believe that is considered fairly emo. What can I say though? It can't escape me completely, still holding true to my high school roots.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Super Bowl Sunday spent in Hoboken. My new favorite place in this world. Reminds me a lot of Boston, with the cobblestone streets and the number of Irish pubs that I couldn't even begin to count. Of course the major downside is having to commute from NJ, but Hoboken is wonderful. This was my first time to visit, and by far will not be my last.
Big week ahead, big things in store. Sleeptime for now.
Big week ahead, big things in store. Sleeptime for now.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Upon my dad's suggestion, I grabbed lunch at Crisp around the corner. Crisp is a Mediterranean falafel place, and was delicious. I got the Mediterranean falafel which consisted of sun-dried tomato spread, eggplant, parmesan flakes, cherry tomatoes and mixed greens with falafels in a wheat pita:
Going with what I said last night, I tried to set up my comment area to make it easier for you guys to comment on. You don't have to sign up for a gmail account to comment, and it does give you that option now to either sign just your name, or sign anonymously (don't know why you would but go for it if you so please). Hope this makes it easier for y'all. I know y'all are reading, because you tell me, and of course I check my page visit stats :) so feel free to comment! Thanks.
Have a WONDERFUL night, all, and if I don't post before then: have an exciting and fun-filled Super Bowl Sunday.
I would definitely recommend for a healthy, delicious, and reasonably priced ($4.95!) lunch.
Going with what I said last night, I tried to set up my comment area to make it easier for you guys to comment on. You don't have to sign up for a gmail account to comment, and it does give you that option now to either sign just your name, or sign anonymously (don't know why you would but go for it if you so please). Hope this makes it easier for y'all. I know y'all are reading, because you tell me, and of course I check my page visit stats :) so feel free to comment! Thanks.
Have a WONDERFUL night, all, and if I don't post before then: have an exciting and fun-filled Super Bowl Sunday.
Friday, February 4, 2011
One request...
theme song.
Agreeing with my bro Wright's comment on my last post. Putting a lot of energy into writing seems much more worth it when I'm feelin' the love. So bring it on, people. Let me hear your feedback. Please let me know what you like, what you don't like, maybe even an encouraging comment or two... This is a lot more fun when it is a TWO WAY street! I hear a lot of you say that you've been reading my blog, so I would love to hear some feedback from you guys.
Preciate cha & much love.
theme song.
Agreeing with my bro Wright's comment on my last post. Putting a lot of energy into writing seems much more worth it when I'm feelin' the love. So bring it on, people. Let me hear your feedback. Please let me know what you like, what you don't like, maybe even an encouraging comment or two... This is a lot more fun when it is a TWO WAY street! I hear a lot of you say that you've been reading my blog, so I would love to hear some feedback from you guys.
Preciate cha & much love.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Night in with Rooms
Ashley got out of class early, so we have been sitting around since around 7 discussing life, eating dinner, and working on her art homework, a color wheel. She is imparting wisdom to my young soul of 22 years. Teaching me about how to distinguish and mix colors. How to hang a curtain rod (I did most of the labor, thank you very much). About how she pursued her dream of doing set design after abandoning her career in real estate.
I could learn a lot from Ashley about abandoning my fears, "burning all the ships," and pressing forward. "Burned all the ships" is an interesting phrase that Ashley and I discussed tonight. Let's remember back to grade school history. The explorers were one of my favorite subjects to read about. This particular phrase refers to the Spanish Conquistidor, Hernando Cortez, who, after arriving in Mexico, instructed this men to burn all of the ships. Committing to his mission, and leaving them no option for turning back.....Leaving all that you know behind to, not only survive in a new land, but pursue a life there. I see myself to hopefully do the same. Not in the literal sense. I don't plan on being here forever, but living here provides me with huge new and exciting opportunities that I would never experience if I just settled for what was easy. And this isn't easy. I have to go back and remind myself of why I moved here and why I am pursuing a life here, because when day-to-day gets hard, it is extremely easy to lose sight of your goals. So my spirits are high. I feel very blessed with where I am right now. Huge opportunities ahead of me, and I can't let my fears get in the way of that.
On the lighter side of things, had a meeting down at Wall Street this afternoon, and (hopefully) struck gold there with a client. It's funny how commercialized the area is, and how, though there was not a cloud in the sky, I couldn't see a hint of blue because the buildings were obstructing all view.
I've made some notes to write about my playlists and the music I am currently listening to to and from work. Not right now though. Maybe on a day off when I am not so tired.
I could learn a lot from Ashley about abandoning my fears, "burning all the ships," and pressing forward. "Burned all the ships" is an interesting phrase that Ashley and I discussed tonight. Let's remember back to grade school history. The explorers were one of my favorite subjects to read about. This particular phrase refers to the Spanish Conquistidor, Hernando Cortez, who, after arriving in Mexico, instructed this men to burn all of the ships. Committing to his mission, and leaving them no option for turning back.....Leaving all that you know behind to, not only survive in a new land, but pursue a life there. I see myself to hopefully do the same. Not in the literal sense. I don't plan on being here forever, but living here provides me with huge new and exciting opportunities that I would never experience if I just settled for what was easy. And this isn't easy. I have to go back and remind myself of why I moved here and why I am pursuing a life here, because when day-to-day gets hard, it is extremely easy to lose sight of your goals. So my spirits are high. I feel very blessed with where I am right now. Huge opportunities ahead of me, and I can't let my fears get in the way of that.
On the lighter side of things, had a meeting down at Wall Street this afternoon, and (hopefully) struck gold there with a client. It's funny how commercialized the area is, and how, though there was not a cloud in the sky, I couldn't see a hint of blue because the buildings were obstructing all view.
I've made some notes to write about my playlists and the music I am currently listening to to and from work. Not right now though. Maybe on a day off when I am not so tired.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Dinner on Hump Day
Ali and I are making a Hump Day resolution to try to meet up and hang out every Wednesday. Tonight was a blast hanging out and catching up more. I arrived home to a fun surprise after a long day:
Save the dates from my brother & Lauren and Bram & Kellye!
They are now both hanging on my fridge. Fills my apartment out much more! Makes my day so much brighter!
Ali is staying the night over here since are so close to her work, so I believe we will watch an episode of Friends and call it a night. Now to decide which Friends season to watch...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Kathy reminded me that it is indeed my second month here (well technically I've been here since December 29th but it is my second full month!!), and I should name this entry accordingly because I have kept my resolution for one months, and can't wait to see what the next 11 have in store.
And I literally misspelled February four times. I try to sound it out so I can get the r's right, but I always mess up somewhere in the middle.
Well, those of you out there praying for me and my work, please be praying that I start to pick up quickly on what I am supposed to be doing because I've felt a bit lost, and I really do want to do a good job. I just need to figure out what exactly it is first, hah. Don't want to talk too much about it, but, yes, I would appreciate prayers.
I had the greatest surprise (another word I misspell frequently) at lunch today after working on this assignment, I check my email to see an message from my mom saying:
"Hey, early valentines happy! Go to AT&T at lunch & get a phone... Love u!!"
I literally could not contain myself I was so happy. So 2 avenues over is the ATT store at the bottom of the Empire State Building. I walked in and got me a 3gs (it was only 49.99?!? Who cares, I can just skype at home instead of paying $200!!). Plus they threw in a free otterbox with it too!
Mom and Dad are the greatest! I really was in dyer, dyer need of a new phone, and they decided to surprise me because they know how insanely passionate I am about surprises (see SNL - Surprise Party, thats me.) I officially had my last conversation on that phone with Amanda, then I tried to play one song. Then see ya. Never will turn on again. It has been a strong, good, and faithful phone for a few months. It kept trucking through even when I wanted to throw it into a street puddle. That little apple sign would just reappear and give me a few more days of service. But, alas, I say goodbye... maybe off my balcony. Maybe into the East River. Maybe on fire.
This new phone is fantastic. Every button works, and the vibrate isn't violently too loud. There's millions of possibilities, y'all.
Anyway, thank you so much Dad and Mom for my new amazing Valentines present! I feel like a kid again with how excited I got!
Off the conquer the world in my dreams...
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